17 AprYiwu Commodity exports in the first quarter up by 30 percent – Yiwu News

Yesterday, reporters learned from Yiwu customs, in the first quarter of this year, the exports of Yiwu Customs Commodity $ 2.01 billion, an increase of 30 percent over the same period last year, export cargo traffic reached 1.682 million tons, a 12.4 percent increase over last year, is growing rapidly.

  Middle East, the EU and ASEAN is still the main target markets

  It is understood that the Middle East, EU and ASEAN is still the main target markets of Yiwu Commodity exports. The first quarter of this year, Yiwu Customs exports to the Middle East, $ 610 million, an increase of 19.3 percent, accounting for the same period by 30.3% of the total export commodities in Yiwu Customs; exports to the EU $ 210 million, an increase of 43.9%, 10.4%; exports to ASEAN $ 210 million, an increase of 37.5 percent, accounting for 10.4%.

  A quarter of overall growth of commodity exports, in particular, a significant increase in March. “Yiwu Customs officers said March Yiwu customs export commodity of $ 900 million, 798,000 tons of cargo, up jumped 75.1 percent and 61.6%.

  This is mainly for three reasons, First, the lunar new year earlier, after February, gradually recovered, March Yiwu market, foreign trade transactions completely out of the Spring Festival of factors, commodity exports to reach normal levels; in early April this year, the international shipping industry start another a huge increase of prices surge, Asia and Europe, the Middle East routes, many export enterprises rush to concentrate shipments completed before the end of March; the first quarter of North Africa and the Middle East political turmoil last year, Yiwu small commodities export last year caused some The first quarter of this year, Yiwu Small Commodity exports of the region stabilized.

  The data show that the BRIC countries as a representative of emerging economies is also very eye-catching performance in the first quarter of this year, Yiwu Commodity exports. The first three menstrual Yiwu Customs export BRIC countries of $ 220 million, an increase of 43.7%. India, South Africa, Russia, Brazil’s export growth in more than 35%. $ 18,250,000 of which exports to Russia up by a substantial increase of 133.6%.

  BRIC countries to commodity export growth a breakthrough

  Enterprises export declaration peak of the first quarter of this year, Yiwu Customs to take various measures to the smooth transition. It is understood that the Department has taken the following measures: first, to increase the commodity export market monitoring efforts to actively carry out the information service to guide the work. And the media to open up part of the national advisory portal regularly to update the customs statistics, Letters, and the majority of business operators, released the dynamic of supply and demand information and commodity export. Second is to actively open a new channel of commodity exports, opened in Yiwu – Zhoushan “New Area through train” someone special window, priority clearance, Port direct facilitation measures to improve customs clearance efficiency and reduce logistics costs. Again in the face of the export peak in the prices of the international shipping fee before the Ching Ming Festival of Yiwu Customs dispatched elite forces commandos in customs clearance and logistics of the two-site work overtime, to protect the export of goods shipped in time, reduce the cost of the time.

  For promoting commodity exports, the Customs to continue the growth of commodity exports to the BRIC countries as a breakthrough to speed up the layout of the emerging markets, and actively build a diversified export market structure; enterprises should strengthen their brand awareness and improve the Commodity quality, strengthen intellectual property protection , the “brand occupation” and “winning by quality” road of sustainable development.

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