20 MarTo Yiwu life in the forest

Spring March 34 Arbor Day Ruqierzhi.

Low-carbon, green, livable life being the pursuit and longing. In 2007, the city raised the goal to create a national forest city. Created, the leadership of the municipal government set an example, the use of various carriers such as Arbor Day, to lead the cadres and the masses, is widely carried out in voluntary tree planting activity; at the same time, towns Street, the relevant departments, social organizations in order to point the way to carry out demonstration building. CPPCC forest, est forest, women forest dotted with green, forest towns, forest villages, green families rippling green posture, Ring ecological landscape forest green channel, green river verdant scene … urban and rural areas at an unprecedented intensity, speed and height, to carry out a vigorous afforestation activities.

February 2008, Yiwu was the Ministry of Construction named National Garden City, Garden City in 2010, passed review; the end of 2008, Yiwu successfully created the Forest City in Zhejiang Province this year, will usher in the creation of a national forest city assessment. The concept of ecology is the wealth, the city in efforts to achieve the benefit to the culture of greening, afforestation, by Green to increase income by leaps and bounds, and has begun to taste the return of ecological improvement.

Ground spring as early as the dawn of the season in the spring, another spring has long been portrayed more vitality green …


Fukuda Park

Drawing / Fang Wen-hong

City “green lung” vitality

Early spring, when you walk in Yiwu, Riverside, will see a large green screen; when you drive through the Avenue, you will see a tree strong stand; when you walk in the city corner, you will see all kinds of green garden, just like everywhere exquisite city bonsai …

Since the launching of the eco-Yiwu, Forest City building, the city’s urban quality has been greatly improved, the city dotted with parkland has become the public to enjoy the quiet, the best place to get close to nature. Last year, the city completed the city parks, road afforestation 7.6656 hectares, equivalent to adding a Xiuhu Square.

As city parks, roads, green supplement, 2009, the municipal government decided to implement a ring-ecological landscape forest construction projects, total project investment of $ 1.2 billion, plans to use five years’ time, the city surrounding mountains into broad, color transformation. Urban Forestry Administration staff, the extent of the Hangzhou -Jinhua-Quzhou, Ningbo -Jinhua Expressway into the city port of the three high-speed and the Ring Road, Ring Road, the Civil Aviation Road 23 ring road surrounding the mountain, with a total planned area of ​​7051 acres. At present, the area of ​​100 acres, 142 million investment in Ring Road, Nanshan Road, South Gate Street, triangular plot tenders have been completed; area of ​​940 acres, 10 million yuan investment is in full construction of the two tenders have been 50 of the project amount.

As of 2010, the city built area of ​​7800 hectares, 2762 hectares of green area, 35.4 of the ratio of green space, green cover an area of ​​3125 hectares, 40.1 of green coverage. “Equal to 10.2 square meters of public green area of ​​each of us.” Forestry officials said.

Vitality thrive to create a “cell”

In 2010, Yiting successfully created as provincial forests town; in 2011, the Houzhai successfully created a provincial forest town; 2012, the temple town to declare the creation of provincial forest town … building an important part of Forest City based on recent years, the construction of city forest towns, forests and villages to create work to add new vitality.

“Such as the construction of forest villages to take the provincial, city and county three-stop push forward.”, The person in charge of City Forestry Bureau Green made FORESTRY municipal government issued a special forest village building policy to create the forest villages in Yiwu, according to Engineering 60 of the increased investment will provide subsidies, the maximum subsidy to 400 yuan per capita, named for the forest villages in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, forest villages, were given $ 20,000, $ 100,000 award.

Support policies to effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of the creation of the city’s villages. In 2011, the city’s newly created two forest villages in Zhejiang Province; two forest villages in Jinhua City, Jinhua City Green model village 25; Yiwu forest village 31. Town, the seat of government, the village green coverage reached 31.4, 31.7.

Forest “homes” happiness bloom

March 8, Dachen nine Scenic Area Wan spent Ridge project implementation plan was finalized. Implementation of the project, the since Truman village to a large farm village 15 kilometers along the sides of the road, more than 30 million trees planted flowers, nursery stock, types of as many as 70 kinds of integration with the surrounding landscape, the green lush trees, a variety of colorful flowers will become a very beautiful landscape.

In recent years, Mr Thomas Chan, vigorously implement the afforestation project, the town, 49 villages have implemented a green village project. Last year, 12 villages implemented greening enhancement projects, greening a total area of ​​300,000 square meters, green coverage rate of 80. The town vigorously guide forest construction, the existing town Kiwi base 800 acres, 1,200 acres of organic tea base, edible bamboo base of 200 acres, 1,000 acres of camphor base Nanzao base of 500 acres, 300 acres of Camellia base.

A microcosm of the enhancement of the Dachen ecological environment is the city’s Forest City construction. Economy has improved, and how to create happiness Yiwu, improve the quality of people’s lives? Accelerate the construction were advised livable travel eco Yiwu, so that the fruits of development to better benefit the people “to become the consensus of the city,” the 12th Five-Year Development.

Last year, the city start the “212” plain green action plan, proposed the implementation of the seven major construction projects, and strive to the city’s new plain forest area of ​​more than 20,000 mu in the “12th Five-Year” period, the new trees more than 1 million, the construction of Yiwu Forest village of 200 or more, the forest coverage of 20 or more.

After a year of hard work, according to statistics, completion of the plain afforestation, 3496 mu, of which 890 acres of urban green channel green 350 acres, the village green 350 acres, 1890 acres of forest, woodlots green.

A forest surrounded by the flowers Tuyan, verdant green eco-Yiwu, is making giant strides toward us. Happiness, from the move starting.


Figure: the afternoon of March 10, the Jinhua old leadership Yangshou Chun, Yiwu Municipal Committee, vice mayor Zhao Guorong, etc., in Yiwu two planted the seeds of a 30 ginkgo tree “forest”.


Figure: urban greening, the benefit of every citizen.


Figure: Eco on the river


“312” becomes “365”

“Issued last year to the greening of towns Street task partially completed less than ideal.” In the interview, hear relevant departments of personnel so sorry to say. Forest City to create the assessment indicators, relevant departments should regularly to Towns thoroughly screened, scattered plots of the river, street, take full advantage of to increase the green area, However, due to a variety of objective reasons, some reserved for green space but was otherwise , green security line can not block the temptations.

The tree planting was a very good thing for afforestation, improving the environment, but some people take it as a fashion, with work to meet the form of a check, the concept of task re-planted light raise, thoughts and actions compromised, the result will afforestation become a “made zero.

Forest into the city a participation of the whole system works. March 12th is Arbor Day, Arbor Day is to plant trees, but tree planting is not for Arbor Day. Referendum to improve preserving green green consciousness, the “3.12” has become “365”, the Arbor Day into a tree-planting month, love tree years, everyone join them, to do an advocate of the creation of a national forest city, publicity participants and planners to form a government, society, people and the interaction “benign pattern, our homes will become more eco-friendly, civilized and beautiful.

Trees, two-wood forest. Forest embrace the city, the city to enjoy fresh, without you, I, he. Action, is the real part of the Forest City.

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